
Seminario INMA-Impulso

Plasma-assisted processes for the production & utilization of energy carriers - María Elena Gálvez

El miércoles 15 de mayo tendrá lugar una nueva sesión del ciclo de conferencias INMA-Impulso, un ciclo de conferencias que trata de acercar la investigación más puntera a la sociedad.

La próxima sesión titulada: “Plasma-assisted processes for the production & utilization of energy carriers” correrá a cargo de la Prof. María Elena Gálvez del Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, INMA, instituto mixto del CSIC y la Universidad de Zaragoza.

Resumen de la charla:

Plasmas are basically ionized matter. In the last years, their use in chemical processes has been considered as a pathway for electrification and intensification, since they can be generated using renewable electricity and can lead to a substantial increase in product yield/efficiency. Comprising a complex mixture of free electrons, charged ions and neutral species, plasmas have been also successfully used in combination with catalytically active solid surfaces. However, these plasma-catalytic processes are still at a very early stage of development and the mysteries behind the synergy need to be unveiled. Plasma-assisted and plasma-catalytic processes can moreover play a key role in our transition to a carbon-neutral future. They have been applied to sluggish and highly energy-demanding reactions leading to the synthesis of chemical energy carriers such as CH4 and NH3, together with their utilization for delocalized hydrogen and or electricity energy generation (on-demand). In this seminar, the importance of tailoring the physicochemical and dielectric properties of the catalyst used in plasma-assisted processes will be highlighted. The type and features of the plasma used in these processes, the reactor design and the transport phenomena involved, are as well essential aspects that must be considered in view of a future scale up and towards the practical implementation of plasma-assisted processes.

La conferencia tendrá lugar el miércoles 15 de mayo a las 12 horas en la Sala de Grados de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Zaragoza.