
Seminario INMA

El martes 21 de mayo tendrá lugar un nuevo seminario INMA de la mano de Jorge Trasobares Sánchez de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, que ofrecerá la charla titulada: A mathematical journey from molecular electronics to bioelectricity

Resumen de la charla:

In this talk I will addresses the issue of reproducibility in molecular devices and proposes a solution through operando characterization. Our research focuses on hybrid molecular graphene field effect transistors (m-GFETs) that integrate 11-(Ferrocenyl)undecanethiol micro self-assembled monolayers with high-quality graphene in a back-gated configuration. Among some particularities this innovative approach not only enables redox electron transfer and prevents molecular degradation but also facilitates operando spectroscopy, shifts the graphene Dirac point to neutrality and generates photocurrent. This latest work will allow me to review some mathematical models employed and stress similarities with macroscopic biological phenomena. Then, I will introduce the concept of Cellular Automata, originally discovered in the 1940s by Stanislaw Ulam and John von Neumann, further developed in the 1980s by Stephen Wolfram and the most advanced version, the Neural Cellular Automata recently published by Alexander Mordvintsev. Finally, I will show some results on the use of artificial neural networks for the treatment of bacterial cultures images showing bioelectricity. By bridging the gap between molecular electronics and cellular automata-based models, this talk aims to highlight the interdisciplinary nature of research and its potential for addressing complex scientific challenges.

La conferencia tendrá lugar el martes 21 de mayo a las 12:30 horas en el Aula del Edificio I+D+i del Campus Río de la Universidad de Zaragoza.


Fuente: iUNIZAR